Mark Hughes asserts that a Manchester United player is among the least effective off the ball in the Premier League.

According to former Manchester United goalscorer Mark Hughes, Marcus Rashford is considered one of the least effective players without the ball. The England star has faced criticism recently for what is perceived as a lack of defensive effort, particularly in the last weekend’s loss to Newcastle. Hughes, who scored 163 goals for United in two separate periods, believes that Rashford’s defensive shortcomings are overshadowing his attacking abilities.

Rashford has been accused of a diminished focus on defensive responsibilities, and Hughes suggests that external factors might be affecting him. Hughes emphasizes the need for Rashford to refocus solely on his role when wearing the Manchester United shirt.

While Hughes acknowledges that players do not go onto the field with the intention of not trying, he observes that Rashford seems to have reverted to a mindset from before the previous season, expressing concerns about his apparent lack of happiness on the pitch. This commentary was shared by Hughes on the No Tippy Tappy Football podcast.

“I observe Manchester United, and it appears that many of their challenges originate from the wide positions. The way they react when the ball surpasses these areas is simply inadequate.

“The players need to show a commitment to tracking back, and if they happen to lose possession, they must work promptly to recover it.

“Hughes suggests that Marcus Rashford could gain valuable insights by looking at Manchester City’s attackers and recognizing their dedication to performing the necessary defensive tasks.”